Administrative Core

The Administrative Core, or AC, provides the infrastructure for the CADRC and maintains organization between the institutions involved in the Center. The AC aims to facilitate the smooth collaboration between the eight cores, four institutions, and numerous personnel involved in the CADRC. Through organizing meetings, from small single-core meetings to full Center meetings involving the Internal Advisory Committee and External Advisory Committee, the AC fosters communication and connects key players with one another in order to drive further progress of the Center. The AC is also responsible for coordinating legal agreements such as MTAs and DUAs between institutions in order for samples and data to be transferred in an ethical manner. Management of the budget for the Center, submission of the yearly progress report, and facilitation of the resubmission process are also major responsibilities of the AC. The AC is often in charge of finding solutions for challenges that arise within the different cores and maintaining “centeredness” which is a major theme of the CADRC.

The Administrative Core can be reached at


Dr. James Leverenz, CADRC PI, Administrative Core Leader

Elizabeth Kisela, CADRC Administrator

Dominique Bethly, Admin Coordinator